Pegasus Dripper - Washed (Delicate)

The Hario Pegasus dripper is a semi conical brewer that is simple to use and brews great coffee. It features a flat bottom design with two holes and spiral ribs which help with
consistent brewing. The flat bottom design naturally has a wider cone which allows for greater agitation of the whole coffee bed. This generally gives coffee from the Pegasus more body and sweetness.
Ratio : 1:17
Filters : Hario Pegasus filters
Coffee : 17.65g
Water : 300 (94℃)
Bloom : 60g
Micron : 620um
- During the first 20s pour 60g saturating all the coffee and allow the coffee to bloom for 45s.
- In the next 20s pour another 60g in a spiral pattern bringing the total weight to 120g allowing the coffee to draw down until 1 minute 30 seconds.
- Pour remaining water (180g) in a spiral pattern until reaching 300g before the timer reaches 2 minutes 15 seconds.
- Allow the coffee to draw down before removing from the server and enjoy.