Hario Switch - Washed (Delicate)

The Hario Switch is a steep and release brewer that brews exceptional coffee. The combination of immersion and percolation means it’s easy to brew great coffee every time. Its hybrid brewing gives coffee a fuller body and greater sweetness.
Ratio : 1:17
Filters : Conical (Hario / Origami)
Coffee : 17.65g
Water : 300 (96℃)
Bloom : 60g
Micron : 680um
- With the switch closed add 60g of water and swirl to homogeneous and remove any dry pockets of coffee.
- Add the rest of the water (240g) up to 300g.
- Steep for 2 minutes before stirring and then opening the switch.
- Let the dripper draw down, remove from the server and enjoy your coffee.