Devil’s Aeropress Affogato Recipe
1. Weigh Out Your Coffee
Weigh out 25g of our Devils Advocate blend (or try this with any of our light roast offerings)
2. Grind On A Plunger / Filter Grind
You should be aiming for a corse sugar grind size, same as our plunger/filter grinds. (You can also use a corse Aeropress Grind, to varying results)
3. Add Two Small Scoops of Ice cream or Gelato To Your Glass
Any plain ice cream or gelato works, however we love using Camilla's Caramel Latte from our friends at Rollickin Gelato.
4. Place your Aeropress With 2 Paper Filters On The Glass & Add Your Coffee
Place your Aeropress in the standard position with two pre-wet filters. Add your coffee grinds.
5. Pour 150g Of Water Over Your Grounds
You should aim to pour all the water within 15 seconds.
6. Gently Stir For 15 Seconds
Make sure that all of the grounds are wet.
7. Add The Plunger Attachment & Brew For 2 Mins
Be careful as to not push too much coffee though the filters.
8. Press & Enjoy
Press down until you hear a hiss, and Enjoy!